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Accreditation of Foreign Journalists in the OSCE region - Reports

The report examines international standards, scholarly approaches and accreditation rules of ministries of foreign affairs in a number of the OSCE participating States, seeking to explore and clarify the legal nature and specifics of accreditation for foreign journalists. The report produces recommendations on how to harmonize these rules with international standards

Countering Online Abuse of Female Journalists - Reports

Female journalists and bloggers throughout the globe are disproportionally facing gender-related threats, harassment, and intimidation on the Internet compared to their male colleagues. The OSCE addresses this new challenge to freedom of expression and digital rights

Training Manual on International and Comparative Media and Freedom of Expression Law - Manuals

This manual provides resources and background materials to help trainers prepare and participants to understand training workshops on media and freedom of expression law 

Index of Censorship - Mapping media freedom - Monitoring tool

Journalists and media workers are confronting relentless pressure simply for doing their job. Mapping Media Freedom identifies threats, violations and limitations faced by members of the press throughout European Union member states, candidates for entry and neighbouring countries

Council of Europe - Platform: protection of journalism and safety of journalists - Monitoring tool

In 2015, the Council of Europe established the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists to facilitate the compilation, processing and dissemination of information on serious concerns about media freedom and safety of journalists in Council of Europe member States

RSF #Protectjournalists Campaign - Campaigns

A worldwide coalition of NGOs, media outlets, journalists and prominent public figures are supporting Reporters Without Borders (RSF) initiative for the creation of a Special Representative to the United Nations Secretary General for the safety of journalists

Journalism at risk. Threats, challenges and perspectives - Books

Journalism at Risk is a new book from the Council of Europe, in which ten experts from different backgrounds examine the role of journalism in democratic societies; - available as hard copy or e-book

Attacks on the Press: Journalism on the World's Front Lines, 2015 Edition - Books

Every year, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) compiles a comprehensive guide to the global state of press freedom, providing an articulate overview of the most serious challenges faced by journalists

Protection of media freedom in Europe - Reports

This 2015 report on media freedom shades light on the deterioration of the safety of journalists and media freedom in Europe

The safety of journalists and the danger of impunity. Report by the director-general to the intergovernmental council of the IPDC, 29th session - Reports

This report drafted by UNESCO International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) presents a comprehensive picture of the situation regarding Safety of journalists and impunity in the world, with special attention to the period 2012-13