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Search for "social_media" returned 368 matches

Expression Interrupted - Monitoring tool

Expression Interrupted is a website dedicated to tracking the legal process against journalists and academics in Turkey

#SOFJO campaign for the safety of female journalists online - HTML5 video

In this short video, released on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, a collection of stories of threatened female journalists. Impunity and safety of female journalists is a top priority in the fight for freedom of the media

What if...? Safety Handbook for Women Journalists - Manuals

A safety handbook for media women based on the writer's personal experience. What if...? considers different categories of women journalists (international women journalists, regional journalists and local journalists), and the threats they face, providing advice and recommendations on security and safety

Safety protocol with 16 points for journalists covering conflict zones - Manuals

A Safety Protocol for journalists covering conflict zones that was issued at the end of a two-day workshop in Diyarbakir (Southeast of Turkey) co-organised by the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) in partnership with the European and International Federation of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ)

Macedonia: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists' safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia has produced a report which intends to assess media freedom throughout three main indicators 

Media freedom in Montenegro: a survey of publications - Article

The media sector in Montenegro is characterised by strong political polarisation. The few examples of non-aligned investigative journalism are subject to both direct and indirect pressure by the financial and political powers in the form of legal actions and, in the worst cases, of physical attacks to reporters and their property.

Turkey: the legality of post-coup actions and the use of Bylock App as evidence in trials - Legal Resources

An opinion on the legality of the Turkish state's reactions following the 2016 attempted coup and of the controversial use of certain facts as evidences of support or membership to a terrorist organization

Ukraine: impunity persists for the murder of Pavel Sheremet - Reports

A year after journalist Pavel Sheremet was killed by a car bomb in Kiev, Ukraine has so far failed to make progress on the case. A report highlights issues with Kiev’s credibility and suggests the need for an independent probe

Russian Union of Journalists - Support Centres

The Russian Union of Journalists (Союз журналистов России) is the union representing journalists and other media workers across Russia. The Russian Union of Journalists, which is affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists, runs a defence hotline to support members who are attacked for doing their jobs. Contacts to get in touch with the union: and +7 (495) 637-51-01

Attacks on the Press: The New Face of Censorship - Books

The 2017 edition of CPJ's annual report on press conditions worldwide focuses on the new challenges and forms of censorship, which are becoming increasingly serious for journalists and media