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Workshop – Digital Storytelling for Journalists and Writers - Training

A digital storytelling workshop in Tbilisi led by online magazine The Calvert Journal

Whistleblowers: looking for European protection - Article

The second of a series of three thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents.
 Photo fillingthev0id CC BY-NC 2.0

“News you don’t believe”: Audience perspectives on fake news - Reports

While a narrow definition of the term “fake news” deals with fabricated news reports, audiences use the same expression in a more broad meaning. RISJ’s Factsheet aims at contributing to the discussion on fake news from the point of view of “ordinary people”

Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries: best practices wanted - Opportunities

An European consortium is leading an educational project to build gender culture in newsrooms

Association for the Protection of journalistic ethics in the Slovak republic (AONE) - Stakeholders

The Association for the Protection of journalistic ethics in the Slovak republic (AONE) was established on October 2, 2001 by representatives of the Slovak Syndicate of Journalists and Slovak Press Publishers’ Association. 

The Print-Digital Council (former Press Council) of the Slovak Republic (TR SR) is AONE's executive body and addresses complaints about the possible violation of journalistic ethics, as well as motions concerning restraining the journalists’ access to information.

Applications for journalism micro-grants in Turkey - Opportunities

Awards from the International Press Institute (IPI) for content analysing impact pressure on press freedom has on other aspects of Turkish society

Digital Safety Newsroom Workshops - Training

Two-hour workshops to learn practical, essential digital skills to communicate with sources, keep information safe, and handle newsworthy scoops

The Robert L. Long Nieman Fellowship for Turkish journalists - Opportunities

A fellowship to support the work of exceptional Turkish journalists is established at Harvard University. Applications open through December 1, 2017

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) - Stakeholders

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) is a foundation established in 1989 in Warsaw. The HFHR is one of the most experienced and professional non-governmental organizations involved in the protection of human rights in Europe. It is active both in Poland and abroad, in particular in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus and Central Asia. HFHR conducts national and international trainings, organizes conferences and seminars. It provides expert consultation in the sphere of human rights and freedoms to individuals as well as to non-governmental organizations and to state institutions.

In 1993, the Foundation set up the Human Rights House in Warsaw, an international network to protect, empowers and support human rights defenders and their organizations. Today, more than 100 independent human rights organizations work together in 15 Human Rights Houses located in Eastern and Western Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The headquarter of the Human Rights House Foundation is based in Oslo.

In Poland the Foundation has established the Observatory of Media Freedom , a program dedicated to monitoring the standards of protection of the freedom of expression in Poland, through legal opinions, analysis and complaints to the European Court of Human Rights.

Protection of journalistic sources is a basic condition for press freedom - Legal Resources

The new judgment Becker v. Norway by the European Court of Human Rights strengthens the protection of journalistic sources