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Urgent letter to Croatian Minister of Justice: Do not extradite Whistleblower Jonathan Taylor - Article

Together with WIN (Whistleblowing international network), we co-signed a letter to the Croatian Minister of Justice

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2019 - Reports

The report aims at understanding how news is being consumed across the world. This year’s focus is on people’s trust in media and their willingness to pay for news, private messaging applications and groups, misinformation, and habits of younger people

Automated Serendipity - Academic Sources

According to an article published on “Digital Journalism”, people that use search engines for online news use more diverse and more balanced sources.

Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Interim Report - Reports

This report by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee of the House of Commons is part of an ongoing inquiry on fake news, which has been expanded to include other related topics. The Committee claims that democracy itself is at risk, and sets out a number of recommendations

Internet and electoral campaigns - Reports

Rules on electoral campaigning were written for traditional media. This report examines how the shift to digital media affects the effectiveness of these rules and suggests updates

INSI Casualties Database 2017 - Datasets

INSI’s casualty statistics are compiled by monitoring press reports of journalists and media workers killed around the world as a result of their job

CPJ database on jailed journalists - Datasets

Since 2000, CPJ compiles detailed records on journalists being held in custody by government authorities across the world

IPI Death Watch - Datasets

The International Press Institute lists journalists and media staff who were deliberately targeted because of their profession – either because of their reporting or simply because they were journalists

Twitter transparency report - Datasets

Since 2012, Twitter Transparency Report highlights trends in information requests and removal requests addressed to the platform

CPJ Database on Journalists killed - Datasets

CPJ began compiling detailed records on journalist deaths in 1992. The dataset includes confirmed cases of work-related deaths, perpetrators and circumstances