Search european policy

Search for "european policy" returned 17 matches

Sustainable innovative journalism and new business models. Report by European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) - Reports

This EFJ report investigates efforts dedicated to advancing sustainable and innovative journalism, encompassing initiatives that delve into novel approaches to business models

Democratic Values in the Digital Age Series: Strengthening Media Pluralism and Freedoms - Article

Media freedom and media pluralism are essential to our democracies and are enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. How can we safeguard media freedom and pluralism in the current digital environment? A conference organised by UCD Centre for Digital Policy

Path to the digital decade programme - Legal Resources

A briefing highlighting the state of the art of EU Legislation concerning digital rights

European Media and Platform Policy (EuromediApp) - Stakeholders

European Media and Platform Policy (EuromediApp) is a Jean Monnet network dedicated to studying, analysing and discussing benefits and challenges of digital platforms in Europe and world-wide.

By bringing together knowledge and research capacity from all over Europe and beyond, EuromediApp provides space for national and transnational deliberation on how future digital services should and will be governed. Working papers, teaching material, workshops, conferences and dedicated schools for advanced students are our working tools.

EuromediApp operates for three years (2020 – 2023) along three modules:

  1. European political democracy (inclusion and exclusion, diversity and uniformity, trust and distrust);
  2. Quality of European (news) ecology, including journalism, individualised procedures of political information, populism, polarisation and depolarisation, personalisation, scandalisation, information/propaganda/misinformation; and
  3. European governance models of digital media and the internet by media/platform companies and governments, utopian and dystopian views of digital media and democracy.

Media Pluralism Monitor 2021 - Monitoring tool

The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom at the European University Institute has released the Media Pluralism Monitor 2021, a tool to assess threats to media pluralism in Europe. This report confirms the findings of the previous one, showing that no country is free from risks to media pluralism

Europe’s media in the digital decade - Reports

An action plan to support recovery and transformation in the news media sector. A study requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education

Media Economy in the Pandemic: A European Perspective - Reports

This report by CMPF assesses the impact of the first wave of the pandemic on the news media economy in Europe. Based on the Media Pluralism Monitor, it presents the results for eighteen European countries

Creative Skills Europe Webinar - Training

On Tuesday, 23 March 2021, from 2-3.30 PM, another digital skills webinar will take place. The European social partners behind Creative Skills Europe – the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM), the Performing Arts Employers Associations League Europe (Pearle*) and UNI Europa media, entertainment & arts (EURO-MEI) are glad to invite you to this second webinar aimed at increasing the digital skills in the Live Performance and Audiovisual sectors

EFJ Online Seminar “Trust in media: Audience Engagement & Artificial Intelligence” - Article

Deadline 7 February to register to the online workshops planned for the end of March organized by the European Federation of Journalists

Trust in media: Audience Engagement & Artificial Intelligence - Training

Deadline for registration: 7 February 2021. This workshop by EFJ will address the pressing questions: How can fostering audience engagement and artificial intelligence properly improve quality in journalism and regain trust from audiences? How has Covid-19 changed the trust relationship between the media and its audiences?