Search media_ownership

Search for "media_ownership" returned 11 matches

Freedom House - Freedom of the Net - Indexes

An annual study of internet freedom providing detailed assessment of key development in the digital realm for 65 countries across the world

European Broadcasting Union - Media Intelligence Portal - Datasets

The European Broadcasting Union collects raw datasets on the functioning of public service media across the countries which are part of EBU

European Media Systems Survey - Surveys

The European Media Systems Survey (EMSS) is a regularly repeated academic study that measures differences between national media environments in how they cover politics and public affairs

Transparency of media ownership - Datasets

In 2013, AccessInfo mapped the existing regulations concerning transparency of media ownership in 20 countries: an exhaustive database summarizes the main findings

IPI Death Watch - Datasets

The International Press Institute lists journalists and media staff who were deliberately targeted because of their profession – either because of their reporting or simply because they were journalists

Twitter transparency report - Datasets

Since 2012, Twitter Transparency Report highlights trends in information requests and removal requests addressed to the platform

CPJ Database on Journalists killed - Datasets

CPJ began compiling detailed records on journalist deaths in 1992. The dataset includes confirmed cases of work-related deaths, perpetrators and circumstances

IREX - Media Sustainability Index - Indexes

IREX's Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers the conditions for independent media in 80 countries across the world

Reporters Without Borders - Press Freedom Index - Indexes

Published every year since 2002 by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the World Press Freedom Index ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom available to journalists

Freedom House - Freedom of the Press - Indexes

Since 1980, the Freedom of the Press index assesses on an annual basis the degree of print, broadcast, and digital media freedom in 199 countries