Search civil-19

Search for "civil-19" returned 9 matches

The Rule of Law Mechanism: a safeguard to media freedom in the EU? - Training

In its Rule of Law Report 2023 the European Commission acknowledges that media freedom remains a sector of concern in many member states. How can the Rule of Law Mechanism contribute to the safeguard of free and independent media in the EU? We will discuss it in a webinar with journalists and experts from Italy, Croatia and Poland

Digital security training for journalists - Training

A webinar with Harlo Holmes, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Director of Digital Security at Freedom of the Press Foundation. Certificates will be provided for attendees that complete the training

Trust in media: Audience Engagement & Artificial Intelligence - Training

Deadline for registration: 7 February 2021. This workshop by EFJ will address the pressing questions: How can fostering audience engagement and artificial intelligence properly improve quality in journalism and regain trust from audiences? How has Covid-19 changed the trust relationship between the media and its audiences?

Reporting on Polls: Headlines, Margins of Error and Other Fundamentals - Training

An online seminar for reporters covering elections and others who want to hone their poll coverage skills

"Journalism & Political Education in the Social Web”. Call for applicants for young journalists - Training

Call for applicants for M100 Young European Journalists Workshop in Potsdam, Germany (September 10 – 19 , 2018)

CIJ Course: Data Visualisation - Training

When, why, and how to turn data into something visual

European Journalism in the Digital Age - Training

A legal and practical boot camp for journalists, activists, and lawyers

Countering Hate Speech & Far-right Radicalism Training Series - Training

A training series for selected participants from Central and Eastern Europe

Workshop in London: Reporting on migration and refugees - Training

A workshop on reporting on migrants, refugees and other vulnerable groups on 4-8 September