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Search for "legal protection" returned 10 matches

EDRI against the #CensorshipMachine - Campaigns

Article 13 of the Copyright Directive Proposal might affect freedom of speech on the Internet. EDRI is launching a campaign to put pressure on the MEPs who are expected to vote on March 26 and 27

Demand protection for whistleblowers now! - Campaigns

The Greens/EFA EP group calls a gathering in front of the European Commission to demand proper EU legislation to protect whistleblowers

Empower democracy, #SaveYourPress - Campaigns

#SaveYourPress supports the approval of the Publisher's Right at the European Parliament to defend intellectual property and independent media

Whistleblowers need EU protection - Campaigns

It is high time for legislation on EU-wide whistleblower protection

Solidarity campaign with Turkish journalists: how to help - Campaigns

EFJ and IFJ launched a solidarity campaign with the Turkish journalists following the new attacks on press freedom and human rights in Turkey since the coup attempt on 15 July

Turkey: Journalism is Not a Crime! - Campaigns

Journalists campaign against the ever-increasing pressure on the press in Turkey with a new initiative named “I’am a Journalist”.

Protect foreign journalists from German intelligence surveillance - Campaigns

Germany wants to pass a bill which allows intelligence to control foreign journalist

EFJ campaign for Whistleblowers Protection - Campaigns

Eurocadres and EFJ campaigning for a EU legislation to protect whistleblowers

A Switzerland of bits, a Safe Haven - Campaigns

A crowdfunding campaign to support International Modern Media Institute: based in Iceland, it is tasked with drafting the best possible laws for a "journalism Safe Haven" in Iceland

#NoHateSpeech - Campaigns

The Association Carta di Roma with the European Federation of Journalists launched the European campaign #nohatespeech, with a petition aiming to ban the promoters of online hate speech