Search media 8a

Search for "media 8a" returned 195 matches

Media capture: Toolkit for 21st century autocrats - Article


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The 8th of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. 

What Can Be Done? Digital Media Policy Options for Strengthening European Democracy - Reports

This report identifies some policy options able to create an environment that is more conducive to independent professional journalism, demonstrating what democratic digital media policy could look like with freedom, funding, and a future

Fact-finding mission to Czech Republic, 7th-8th October 2019 - Reports

From the very difficult position of local media to the Prime Minister's links to the outlets he used to own, the Czech Republic's issues in the field of freedom of expression are very evident, and the delegation has clear recommendations to give

2019 World Press Freedom Index - Monitoring tool

Only 24% of the 180 countries and territories considered are classified as “good” (coloured white on the Press Freedom Map) or “fairly good” (yellow), as opposed to 26% last year. These are the main findings of this year’s Index by Reporters Without Borders

Newspapers that never arrive - Reports

Newspapers are made not only by journalists: starting from this statement, this pretty original report highlights the importance of printers, transporters, distributors, and retailers as “essential links in the long and complex press distribution chain”

The Business of Misinformation: Bosnia and Herzegovina. LYING FOR PROFIT - Reports

This report, published as part of a project aimed at keeping track of the individuals and companies that own misinformation websites and their links to institutions, parties, and other individuals, shows that misinformation websites in Bosnia and Herzegovina are mainly motivated by profit

Media, Freedom of Speech, and Democracy in the EU and Beyond - Books

This volume is a collection of contributions from several experts, offering up-to-date analysis and enhancing the ongoing debate on freedom of media and democracy in Europe

NewsGuard - Monitoring tool

A browser extension rating news websites based on their trustworthiness.

EU Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2018 - Reports

The EU engaged in activities across the globe in line with the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2015-2019). Focusing on a number of thematic issues, this report provides a snapshot of this commitment

Freedom and the Media: a Downward Spiral - Reports

The Freedom in the World report shows that free press is declining around the world and that this threatens the status of democracy. Freedom of the Media is under attack not only in historically Not Free countries, but also in some of the most influential Free democracies in the world